Nasza historia
Firma Menard została założona ponad pół wieku temu przez francuskiego inżyniera geotechnika Louisa Menarda, który fascynował się innowacjami w inżynierii budowlanej. Od tamtego czasu kolejne pokolenia zdolnych i przedsiębiorczych budowlańców nieustannie rozwijały markę, technologie, sprzęt i tworzyły nowe standardy. Dziś jesteśmy światowym liderem, specjalizującym się w ulepszaniu i poprawianiu właściwości gruntu, zarówno pod budowlami już istniejącymi, jak i tymi dopiero projektowanymi.
Poniżej prezentujemy najważniejsze wydarzenia w historii firmy Menard. Specjalizujemy się w geotechnice i nowoczesnym wzmacnianiu podłoża pod budynki, za pomocą wymiany lub mieszania gruntu oraz innych technik, będących skuteczną alternatywą dla tradycyjnego palowania. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z historią naszej firmy!

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1954 - Invention of the pressuremeter
In all started in 1954, when Louis Ménard, a young French Mechanical Engineering student from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, invented the device that was to revolutionize geotechnical work: the pressuremeter.
Until the 1950s, to calculate the foundations necessary for the stability of a building, a core sample was taken from the soil. The sample was analyzed to observe the different layers of materials or rocks, then a laboratory analysis was then necessary to determine the level of soil failure and its deformability curve.
Louis Ménard set himself the goal of devising a single test to measure the ultimate pressure of the soil and its deformation modulus in order to calculate its bearing capacity and settlement. He developed and filed a patent for the device that was to revolutionize geotechnical work: the pressuremeter. -
1957 - Creation of the company „Les pressiomètres Menard”
In 1957, Louis Menard set up a company called „Les pressiomètres Menard” (Menard pressuremeters). Success was quick to follow and he soon had four licensees using his devices. He also convinced the French Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (Central Civil Engineering Laboratory) to use his equipment.
1959 - International development of the pressuremeter
Exported to Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Canada and Brazil
1962 - Launch of the „Sols-Soils” journal & reorganisation of the company
Ever anxious to share his knowledge of the use of the pressuremeter, Louis Ménard launched the bilingual journal „Sols-Soils”, with Michel Gambin as editor in chief. This highly technical quarterly publication was initially distributed within the network of licensees but was soon put on general sale.
1969 - First application of dynamic compaction technique
Residential resort in Mandelieu-la-Napoule, France
Read more about Dynamic compaction -
1975 - Dynamic replacement
Development of dynamic replacement for clayey soils
1977 - First major contract outside of France
First major contract outside of France: stabilisation of the second runway of the Changi airport, Singapore and first 43 m deep vertical drain.
1978 - Iconic project : Nice Airport, France
Deepest dynamic compaction application (27 m, 4,000 tm energy) on the Nice airport, France project
1987 - Development of Menard Soltraitement
1987 marked a further turning-point in the history of the company, becoming independent once more, when it was sold by its shareholder and taken over by two company managers, Jean-Marie Cognon and Pierre-Marie Bic. The name „Menard Soltraitement” was adopted.
1989 - Iconic project : Kourou, French Guyana
Full scale 300 t loas test on dynamic replacement pillars on the spaceship Ariane 5 launch pad in Kourou, French Guyana
1988 - Menard Vacuum™
Development of Menard Vacuum™ (atmospheric consolidation system) in France
1994 - Development of Controlled Modulus Columns
Read more about CMCs
1998 - Largest induced settlement
Largest induced settlement on the Jangyoo sewage treatment plant, South Korea
2001 - Ground improvement of 1,600,000 m² of reclaimed platform
Ground improvement of 1,600,000 m² of reclaimed platform on the Airbus A380 assembly factory in Hamburg, Germany
2002 - Acquisition of DGI (USA)
Everything you should know about our US subsidiary is on Menard group USA website
2006 - Deepest barrier wall constructed
Deepest barrier wall constructed on the Mayfield decontamination project, Australia
2007 - Acquisition of GEOPAC (Canada)
Now named Menard Canada, discover all about our canadian business unit
2008 - Largest vibrocompaction project
Largest vibrocompaction project for the Palm Jebel Ali in Dubai (UAE)
2009- 2010
2009 - 2010 - 12,000,000 m² of dynamic compaction
Kuwait new cities – 12,000,000 m² of dynamic compaction
2009 - Creation of the Soletanche Freyssinet group
Discover the Soletanche Freyssinet group
2010-2012 - Ground improvement under an important road project
South Ring Road in Gdańsk, Poland
2011 - Craney Island Eastward expansion
Craney Island terminal, USA
2011 - Deepest vibroflotation for the largest onshore windmill
Deepest vibroflotation for the largest onshore windmill in Lautsitz Ring, Germany
2012 - Largest ground improvement project in France
Largest ground improvement project in France for the LNG terminal in Dunkirk
2012 - Acquisition of US Wick Drains
Learn more about US Wick Drain, specialty geotechnical contractor delivering practical sustainable solutions for ground improvement specializing in the expert installation of wick drains.
2014 - CMC world depth record
Controlled Modulus Columns set a world depth record in Louisiana in 2014
2016 - Integration of Remea
Remea is a key player in the soil remediation field offering expertise in remediation of polluted sites, management of polluted effluents on construction sites and treatment of industrial ponds and tanks at operating sites.
2021 - Integration of Dunton Environmental
Discover Dunton Envrionmental, specialized in developing and implementing ground and water remediation solutions to restore our planets natural environment.